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XMail Forum > XMail Server > "bad controller login" and install errors

Posted by: vigil12 Dec 19 2001, 03:37 AM
I've installed Xmail on W2K server and plan to have multiple domains on it. I've tried using the administrator program to set up my server, but after I enter my server IP and name, I can't give an admin password. How can I set up my server and new domains using the admin tool?

Posted by: techspec Dec 19 2001, 10:21 PM
Hi vigil12

I've only built this in Linux but I had the same problem ,
Run XMCrypt as a command 'XMCrypt password' it will return a number eg 1245344 in your CNTRLACCOUNTS.tab file make an entry
"username" <tab> "1245344" <crlf>
the quotes "" are required
then try to logon


Posted by: vigil12 Dec 20 2001, 03:56 AM
thanks so much... This worked as you mentioned...

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