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XMail Forum > XMail Queue Manager > XQM 1.37 for Linux

Posted by: atomant Sep 4 2003, 11:08 AM

In this version for linux there is no README.txt that should come with the archive.
Can you post it on the forum?

Posted by: hschneider Sep 4 2003, 11:24 AM
Thanks for that hint. File attached.

Posted by: atomant Sep 4 2003, 11:30 AM
This is the output I get:
[root@master xqmwin]# ./xqmwin
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 8, in ?
File "iu.py", line 274, in importHook
File "iu.py", line 357, in doimport
File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/wxPython/__init__.py", line 20, in ?
File "iu.py", line 274, in importHook
File "iu.py", line 339, in doimport
File "iu.py", line 181, in getmod
File "archive.py", line 380, in getmod
File "iu.py", line 46, in getmod
ImportError: libwx_gtkd-2.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
I have RH8 complete install. Where do I get this library?

Posted by: hschneider Sep 4 2003, 12:20 PM

Please let me know the result.

Posted by: atomant Sep 4 2003, 02:28 PM
Still can't install it. sad.gif
I have even compiled and installed a complte wxwindows package but I get still the same error.

Posted by: hschneider Sep 4 2003, 02:45 PM
Very strange - your are the 1st one reporting this error. Did you use a wxWin installation before ? Maybe some of its components are outdated. XQM does not need any wxWin components preinstalled. All libs come with the tar ball.

You should try to unsinstall wxWindows and reinstall XQM.

Posted by: atomant Sep 4 2003, 02:56 PM
I have never before used wxWin. I have allready uninstalled it and tried again to install xqmwin but still the same error with missing library.

Posted by: hschneider Sep 4 2003, 03:36 PM
I'll check this ... this will take some tíme. I need to leech and install RedHat 9 for this ;-)

Posted by: hschneider Sep 6 2003, 06:55 AM
Got it:
For some reason, RedHat wants the lib in the search path. So just do a
> cd xqm
> cp libwx_gtkd-2.4.so /usr/lib

and make sure that /usr/lib is in your PATH variable.

There is an issue when MAIL_ROOT is not set in your environment. A fix will follow.

Posted by: hschneider Sep 6 2003, 03:57 PM
Just released XQM 1.38 and Agent 1.28: http://xmail.marketmix.com

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