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XMail Forum > XMail Queue Manager > Port Error

Posted by: tommygunner Jun 20 2003, 10:29 PM
when trying to install, i get error

[root@ns1 xqmagent]# ./xqmagent

socket.error (98, 'Address already in use')

[root@ns1 xqmagent]#

Posted by: hschneider Jun 21 2003, 01:43 PM
Change the port inthe .conf file and in XQMwin's config dialog as well. The currently selected port is already used by another applicatiion.

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 23 2003, 09:12 AM
what port needs to be changed? the:

CTRL_PORT = 6017 or the AGENT_PORT = 8000 port?

Posted by: hschneider Jul 23 2003, 09:34 AM
The AGENT_PORT. Set it e.g. to 8011 on both XQM Agent and in XQM's config dialog.

CTRL_PORT holds XMails Control Port which is 6017 on a XMail standard installation and should not be touched.

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 23 2003, 04:14 PM
ok, I changed port in Xmail QUe Agent and now it looks better.

[root@ns1 xqmagent]# ./xqmagent

[root@ns1 xqmagent]#

I do not see where to change 8000 port in Xmail Que manager. I downloaded your latest version and setup remote mode but get No agent found. Please check configuration when try to run.

Posted by: hschneider Jul 23 2003, 05:35 PM
Click 3rd icon from the right. Choose "Run in remote mode" and enter the IP and port no of the Agent. Click "Apply".
If connect fails, there might be a firewall between you and the server ... (?)

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 23 2003, 06:16 PM
No, there is no firewall. I had zonealarm open but closed it and even connected computer directly to cablemodem instead of router. I still get same thing after I hit apply. No agent found. Please check the configuration.

Posted by: hschneider Jul 23 2003, 06:40 PM
On your Linux server do a
ps -A|grep x*

Does this display the Agent's process ?

If yes, do a
telnet linux_server_ip agent_port_no.
E.g. telnet 8010

from your workstation. When the screen is blank, hit return. This should show something like
<head> .... does it ?

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 23 2003, 06:57 PM

bash-2.05$ su root
[root@ns1 /]# ps -A|grep x*
[root@ns1 /]# cd usr/local/xqmagent
[root@ns1 xqmagent]# ./xqmagent

socket.error (98, 'Address already in use')

[root@ns1 xqmagent]# ps -A|grep x*
# This file goes to /etc/xqmagent.conf
[root@ns1 xqmagent]#

also, I can't telnet because I have telnet disabled. I use SSH instead.

Posted by: hschneider Jul 23 2003, 07:19 PM
Restart your linux machine. Then do
su root
./xqmagent --debug

What do you see ? Are you sure you use the latest release from http://marketmix.com ?

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 23 2003, 07:40 PM
On my windows pc I have version 1.36 and on my linux server I have xmail que agent 1.24 or 1.25. I just downloaded them yesterday.

I haven't added anything for startup script. What would you recommend for Redhat 7.2 startup script?

Posted by: hschneider Jul 23 2003, 08:28 PM
export MAIL_ROOT=/var/MailRoot

What about the debug output ?

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 23 2003, 09:02 PM
I didn't do startup script when I did this

[root@ns1 xqmagent]# ./xqmagent --debug
Welcome to XQM Agent!
©2002-2003 Harald Schneider

Agent Version : 1.26
Using xmaillib : 1.42
Threads : 25
Listening at :
CTRL access at :
Trusted clients :, tbird, 192.168.10.*
Handle dynamic IPs : No
Forced MAIL_ROOT : /var/MailRoot/
Configuration file : /etc/xqmagent.conf
>> Press CTRL-Z to suspend! Use 'kill' after suspend to quit ...

Posted by: hschneider Jul 23 2003, 10:35 PM
You still have the sample configuration (except AGENT_PORT) of the original archive:
- Your workstation is not in the list of trusted clients. Add its IP to that list.
- The Agent is listening to - this is the internal loopback address, which is not reachable from your LAN.
- Set AGENT_IP in the .conf file to the IP address of your Linux machine.

Restart in debug mode and check if the Agent is now
- listening on your Linux server's IP
- Your workstation's IP is listed as a trusted client.

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 24 2003, 12:30 AM
ok, changed it. My ISP has been changing IP more frequently so i am using dynamic ip service now and have it setup on port 80. I think they might be blocking port 80.

Posted by: hschneider Jul 24 2003, 06:08 AM
If your worstation uses a dynamic IP, you need to run a tool which assigns a name to your dyn. IP (see e.g. http://dyndns.org or http://no-ip.com ). Then add this machine name to the Agent's list of trusted clients, e.g. tommygunner.no-ip.com. The Agent will resolve this name to your currently assigned IP.

If your server is on a dynamic IP, just set DYNIP=1 in the Agent's .conf file. If its IP changes, the Agent will sync in approx. 5 - 15 minutes.

BTW: You can read about all this in XQM's help manual. There are different scenarios explained ...

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 25 2003, 12:02 AM
Thanks for the info. Still not working. I have no-ip setup and have apache running and can access it both inside and outside network on port 80. I modified file to look similiar to file in your help file.

I can run another xmail program called Xmail Server Manager just fine, but haven't been able to get your program to work.

I run the debug program and am not sure where it outputs file to. maybe if I can find that it will help.

Posted by: hschneider Jul 25 2003, 06:04 AM
If you use Apache on port 80, you cannot use another application on that port. Xmail Server Manager only uses the CTRL port of XMail itself.

Please post
- your xqmagent.conf
- your Linux Server IP
- your no-ip machine name
- your XQM Setup

Posted by: tommygunner Jul 29 2003, 06:19 AM
I'll have to post that another time. Server was hacked and I have to start over now. sad.gif

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