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XMail Forum > Webmail Add-ons > Xmail And Umpl

Posted by: oriads Apr 9 2003, 05:42 AM

I'm currently testing Xmail on Solaris 2.8, It seems work fine, in fact I can send and receive mails within the mail server and from Outlook Express/2000/XP clients.

So I decided to test the UMPL Web Interface (quite easy, I thought ..), the main problem is that I can't send emails within the Umpl Web interface. In others words, I can read the messages within UMPL, but I can't send them. At first sight, there are no error messages from PHP nor Xmail nor UMPL.

Someone of you have any clue about what it could be the problem?, or, How can I detect It?

Thanks in advance...


Posted by: atomant Apr 9 2003, 06:12 AM
This is sendmail permissions problem. Your web application can't use sendmail which has only root permissions. So you need to change permissions. I have made "chmod -R 777 /var/MailRoot" and it works like a charm.

Posted by: oriads Apr 10 2003, 06:21 PM
Thanks for the help.

The problem wasn't sendmail permissions. The true problem was I forgot to change the sendmail file on /usr/lib (I still had the original sendmail file that is installed whith the OS). After changed it with the Xmail sendmail's file, all the stuff worked very well.

And now, again, I have another problem:

I can't download/deattach attach messages with UMPL. I only can see de UUENCODE attach codification (all the messages are in text plain).

How can I change this behavior?, I mean, How I can download the attach files with UMPL as a separate file?

Thanks in advance....


Posted by: atomant Apr 10 2003, 08:22 PM
Please forward your problem to the author Achim Schmid at schmidt@waaf.net .

Posted by: hivia Apr 22 2003, 04:18 AM
i think the DecodeMessage.php and Message.php along with the umpl is not fullly tested and on some accasions works badly.
i 've made some changes in the DecodeMessage.php. and u can also have a try.

the changed DecodeMessage.php and Message.php are posted, u can download them and replace the old files with them after backing up.

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