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XMail Forum > Webmail Add-ons > Needed to upgrade PHP - Uebimiau dead!

Posted by: ndoeberlein Mar 9 2006, 02:14 PM
All I receive is Smarty output and I when I view source, I see the index.php. Other applications work fine except UM. (Also tried Telaen on Vola .3)

Any ideas as to what I could have missed? I really need to run PHP5. I uninstalled and went back to 4.4.2, but I'm still having problems. Right now I'm running PHP 5.1.2 on IIS6 using PHP5ISAPI.


security=true; $smarty->secure_dir=array("./"); $smarty->compile_dir = $temporary_directory; $smarty->assign("umLanguageFile",$selected_language.".txt"); $smarty->assign("umEmail",$f_email); $jssource = " "; //$smarty->debugging = true; $smarty->assign("umServerType",strtoupper($mail_server_type)); switch(strtoupper($mail_server_type)) { case "DETECT": break; case "ONE-FOR-EACH": $aval_servers = count($mail_servers); $smarty->assign("umAvailableServers",$aval_servers); if(!$aval_servers) die("You must set at least one server in \$mail_servers, please review your config.php"); if ($aval_servers == 1) { $strServers = "@".$mail_servers[0]["domain"]." "; } else { $strServers = "\r"; for($i=0;$i<$aval_servers;$i++) { $sel = ($i == $six)?" selected":""; $strServers .= "@".$mail_servers[$i]["domain"]."\r"; } $strServers .= "\r"; } $smarty->assign("umServer",$strServers); break; case "ONE-FOR-ALL": break; default: die("Unknown server mode, please see config.php"); } $smarty->assign("umUser",$f_user); $smarty->assign("umPass",$f_pass); $smarty->assign("umJS",$jssource); $avallangs = count($languages); if($avallangs == 0) die("You must provide at least one language"); $avalthemes = count($themes); if($avalthemes == 0) die("You must provide at least one theme"); $smarty->assign("umAllowSelectLanguage",$allow_user_change_language); $func($textout); if($allow_user_change_language) { $def_lng = (is_numeric($lid))?$lid:$default_language; $langsel = "\r"; foreach($languages as $key => $lang) { $selected = ($lid == $key)?" selected":""; $langsel .= "".$lang["name"]."\r"; } $langsel .= "\r"; $smarty->assign("umLanguages",$langsel); } $smarty->assign("umAllowSelectTheme",$allow_user_change_theme); if($allow_user_change_theme) { $def_tem = (is_numeric($tid))?$tid:$default_theme; $themsel = "\r"; foreach($themes as $key => $theme) { $selected = ($tid == $key)?" selected":""; $themsel .= "".$theme["name"]."\r"; } $themsel .= "\r"; $smarty->assign("umThemes", $themsel); } $smarty->display("$selected_theme/login.htm");

Posted by: ndoeberlein Mar 9 2006, 06:42 PM

See: http://xmailforum.homelinux.net/index.php?act=ST&f=8&t=3096

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