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XMail Forum > Webmail Add-ons > Problems With Xpai

Posted by: Stone Aug 9 2004, 04:26 PM
first of all i am sorry but my english is bad sad.gif

i have installed xmail and xpai und when i go into my browser and login into the xpai i get a error
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/3game/mail/includes/xmail.class.php on line 79

i use xmail 1.20 and xpai 1.14
can somebody help me?
plz wink.gif

Posted by: ndoeberlein Aug 9 2004, 04:56 PM
You have a filter that isn't running properly. Disable your filters one by one until you don't get the error and that's your bad filter.

Quick looks...

Make sure perl, php, and other scripting languages are properly installed.

Give it a try and let us know.

Posted by: Stone Aug 9 2004, 08:57 PM
i have installed perl php cgi tcl tk but the error is also there.

You have a filter that isn't running properly. Disable your filters one by one until you don't get the error and that's your bad filter.

what filter you mean? filter like a firewall?

Posted by: ndoeberlein Aug 9 2004, 09:02 PM
disable all filters in filters.in.tab, filter.out.tab, filter.pre-data.tab, and filter.post-data.tab

Posted by: Stone Aug 9 2004, 09:07 PM
there are no filter roules in the files

Posted by: ndoeberlein Aug 10 2004, 03:06 PM
Hmm... blink.gif

Let's start with the basics. Is XMail running properly? Have you set up all your permissions correctly as stated in the XMail and XPAI manuals? I'm not a linux/unix person, so someone might have to jump in if you're having troubles with this.

Also, please post your server.tab (XMail) and config.php (XPAI).

Posted by: Stone Aug 10 2004, 05:58 PM
i have installed UMPL today. the interface work... but i like the interface not so..
i think xpai is better

in the config.php i have change the user the superuser and the password

Posted by: ndoeberlein Aug 10 2004, 06:15 PM
Please post the contents of the server.tab and config.php. wink.gif

Posted by: Stone Aug 10 2004, 07:05 PM
"RootDomain" "3game.at"
"SmtpServerDomain" "3game.at"
"POP3Domain" "3game.at"
"HeloDomain" "3game.at"
"PostMaster" "root@3game.at"
"ErrorsAdmin" "root@3game.at"
"TempErrorsAdmin" "send-failures@3game.at"
"DefaultSMTPGateways" ","
"RemoveSpoolErrors" "0"
"DisableEmitAuthUser" "1"
#"NotifyMsgLinesExtra" "8"
#"NotifySendLogToSender" "0"
"NotifyTryPattern" "1"
#"MaxMTAOps" "16"
#"ReceivedHdrType" "0"
#"FetchHdrTags" "+X-Deliver-To,+Received,To,Cc"
#"SmtpMsgIPBanSpammers" "550 Denied due inclusion of your IP in our spam lists"
"SmtpMsgIPBanSpamAddress" "550 Denied due inclusion of your email address in our spam lists"
"SmtpMsgIPBanMaps" "550 Denied due inclusion of your IP in the following map"
"CustomSMTPMessage" "Please open http://www.xmailserver.test/smtp_errors.html to get more information about this error"
#"MaxMessageSize" "20000"
#"EnableAuthSMTP-POP3" "0"
#"Pop3SyncErrorAccount" "psync-errors@xmailserver.test"
#"AllowNullSender" "1"
#"AllowSmtpVRFY" "1"
#"AllowSmtpETRN" "1"
#"SmtpMinDiskSpace" "100000"
#"SmtpMinVirtMemSpace" "64000"
#"Pop3MinVirtMemSpace" "64000"
#"CustMapsList" "list.dsbl.org.:1,blackholes.mail-abuse.org.:1,dialups.mail-abuse.org.:0"
#"SMTP-RDNSCheck" "1"
#"CheckMailerDomain" "1"
#"SmartDNSHost" "dns.home.bogus.net:tcp,"
#"DynDnsSetup" "members.dyndns.org,80,/nic/dyndns?action=edit&started=1&hostname=YES&host_id=yourhost.ourdomain.ext&myip=%s&wildcard=OFF&mx=mail.exchanger.ext&backmx=NO,foouser,foopasswd"
#"SmtpConfig" "mail-auth"
#"SmtpConfig-192_168_0_1" "mail-auth"
#"DefaultSmtpPerms" "MRVZ"


 Configuration file for Xmail PHP Administration interface (XPAI)

 Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Andreas Klein, xpaisupport@akxak.de

 Released under the GPL and PHP licenses as stated in the the README file which
 should have been included with this document.
 Based on XMail WAI by Michal A. Valasek, michal.valasek@altair2000.net. Thanks for the great layout;-)
 Based on PhpXmail by Paul Heijman, xmail@diggie.nl.

 Requires PHP    - www.php.net (PHP > 4.1,
                 PHP 4.1.2 has a bug in the session management,
                 PHP 4.1.1, PHP 4.2.x, 4.3.4 were also tested,
                 PHP < 4.1.x is also useable)
 Requires XMail  - www.xmailserver.org (XMail > 0.76,
                 XMail 1.18 was tested)


// *********************** XMAIL SERVER SETTINGS *********************** 1.01

// List of ip-address/hostnames and portnumber of servers to connect to.
// Hostnames are usefull when you have a dynamic-ip (resolved by no-ip or dyndns for example).
// The ctrl-port (standard 6017) must be accessable by the system running
// XPAI. For example, a telnet on the system and the port must be possible
// Keep in mind to restrict the access to the control port to avoid security problems.

$servers = array("Localhost"=>"localhost:6017");
//Ex: $servers = array("Localhost"=>"localhost:6017","SomeServerName"=>"xmail.example.com:12345");

// *********************** XMAIL USER SETTINGS *********************** 1.08

// User/Pwd (in ctrlaccounts.tab) for the communication with the Xmail-Server.
// In opposite to ctrlaccounts.tab Pwd here must not be encrypted with XMCrypt!
// This user must NOT be listed as super-user! It is solely used for the c
// communication between XPAI and XMail

$_SESSION['xpai_user'] = "admin";
$_SESSION['xpai_pwd'] = "mypassword";

// *********************** XPAI USER CONTROL ***********************

// Usernames with Superuser/Administrator-rights
// You can specify more than one, comma separated, like
//    $super_users = array("Admin", "superuser");
// All users specified here must be initially added manually to
// ctrlaccounts.tab in the format
// "<username>"<tab>"<enc. password>"<cr><lf>
// where the password was encrypted with XMCRYPT.EXE (part of the XMail package)
// The ctrl-user (above) may not be listed here!

$super_users = array("admin");

// Usernames with Postmaster-rights in their respective domains
// You can specify more than one, comma separated, like
//    $super_users = array("Postmaster", "Webmaster");
// When adding a new domain, these users will be created automatically.

$postmaster_users = array("Postmaster");

// Fields that the postmaster is allowed to edit. All other fields are only
// editable by the Superuser/Administartor. Make sure that you also remove
// the custom fields when you remove some other fields. Otherwise the Postmaster
// can overwrite them with the custom field
$postmaster_edit_fields = array("RealName", "HomePage", "Address",
                               "Telephone", "MaxMBSize", "SmtpPerms",
                               "ReceiveEnable", "PopEnable", "Custom");

// Fields from the user records editable by users (others are only editable by
// Domain-Postmaster or Superuser/Administrator)

$user_edit_fields = array("RealName", "Telephone");

// Fields from the user records editable by users (others are only visible for
// Domain-Postmaster or Superuser/Administrator)

$user_show_fields = array("RealName", "HomePage", "Address",
                         "Telephone", "MaxMBSize", "ReceiveEnable",

// *********************** SPECIAL POSTMASTER SETTINGS *********************** 1.08

// Defines the domains whose postmasters have postmaster rights on the domains specified

$allow_special_postmasters = FALSE;

$special_postmasters = array("akxak.de" => array("1.de", "test.de"),"level.de" => array("2.de", "test2.de"));

//$special_postmasters = array("MasterDomain" => array("ControlledDomains"));
//Ex: $special_postmasters = array("MasterDomainA" => array("ControlledDomainA1","ControlledDomainA2"),
//                                 "MasterDomainB" => array("ControlledDomainB1","ControlledDomainB2"));

// *********************** IMAP SETTINGS *********************** 1.11/1.14g

// Defines whether the IMAP support of XPAI is activated. XPAI supports IMAP as follows:
// A special entry (which is then hidden) in the user.tab is used to control whether IMAP
// is activated for the user or not.
// As IMAP is yet not supported by Xmail, XPAI provides an interface for external IMAP tools
// Therefore it writes a special file (which name can be defined) with the following information
// IMAP activation (by user):      "<email>"<tab>"<username>"<tab>"<domain>"<tab>"<password>"<tab>"CREATE"
// IMAP deactivation (by user):     "<email>"<tab>"<username>"<tab>"<domain>"<tab>"<password>"<tab>"DELETE"
// IMAP password change (by user):  "<email>"<tab>"<username>"<tab>"<domain>"<tab>"<password>"<tab>"PASSWORD"
// The information is always appended to the file 'IMAPfilename', created in Xmail mailroot, the file is created
// if it does not exist. To avoid collisions on handling the external file, a semaphor file 'IMAPsemaphore' is
// created as long as the data file is processed. If the semaphore is older than 5 minutes, it should be treated
// invalid.

$enable_IMAP = FALSE;
// Configuration for external file (dovecot)
$enable_IMAP_file = FALSE;
$_SESSION['IMAPfilename'] = "imapctrl.tab";
$_SESSION['IMAPsemaphore'] = "imapsemap.tab";
$IMAP_configword = "ExternalIMAP";
$IMAP_default_status = TRUE;
// Configuration for direct database update (courier-imap)
$enable_IMAP_mysql = TRUE;
$IMAP_mysql_db_server = "localhost";
$IMAP_mysql_db_user = "localdbuser";
$IMAP_mysql_db_pwd = "localdbpwd";
$IMAP_mysql_db_table = "passwd";

/* Datenbank-Struktur */
/* Kommando zum Anlegen der DB
 USE mailusers;
 CREATE TABLE passwd (
 id char(128) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
 clear char(128) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
 name char(128) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
 uid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '65534' NOT NULL,
 gid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '65534' NOT NULL,
 home char(255) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
 maildir char(255) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,
 quota char(255) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL,

 GRANT ALL ON mailusers.* TO courier@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

// *********************** HELP WINDOW SETTINGS ***********************

// Settings for help window

$helpwidth = 440;
$helpheight = 250;

// *********************** MAILING LIST SETTINGS ***********************

// Allow mailing lists

$allow_mailing_list = TRUE;

// *********************** FILTER SETTINGS *********************** 1.03

// Filter control settings

$enable_filters = TRUE;

// Filter description and filename (in <MAILROOT>/filters directory). Configured files must be made
// available by system administrator.

$filter_files = array("Spamassassin" => "safilter.tab");
//Ex: $filter_files = array("FilterName"=>"NameOfTabFile","SomeOtherFilterName"=>"NameOfTabFile");

// *********************** LOGIN LEVEL *********************** 1.07

// Definition of login level

$login_level = array("NoLogin" => 0, "LoginUser" => 1, "LoginPostmaster" => 2, "LoginSpecialPostmaster" => 3, "LoginSuperuser" => 4);

// *********************** SECONDARY SERVER SUPPORT *********************** 1.08

// IP-Addresses of secondary Xmail-Servers, this is only to be used if more than one Xmail is used. The secondary servers are
// accepting mails for known domains and forward them to the primary server. If enabled, domain changes (add/delete) are
// executed on the secondaries. After this action was sucessfull finished, the primary server is updated.

$handle_secondaries = FALSE;

$_SESSION['secondary-mode'] = "smtprelay";
$_SESSION['secondary-dest'] = "";
$_SESSION['secondary-ip'] = array(array("ip" => "", "port" => "6017"));
//$_SESSION['secondary-ip'] = array(array("ip" => "", "port" => "6017"),
//                  array("ip" => "", "port" => "6017"));

// *********************** HANDLING OF OLD PHP ***********************

// If PHP <= 4.0.6 is used, change this value to true, otherwise (>=4.1.x) to false

$is_old_php = FALSE;

// Handling for old PHP versions

if (isset($is_old_php) && $is_old_php)
 foreach ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS as $var_name=>$var_value) $_SESSION[$var_name]=$var_value;
 foreach ($HTTP_GET_VARS as $var_name=>$var_value) $_REQUEST[$var_name]=$var_value;
 foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $var_name=>$var_value) $_REQUEST[$var_name]=$var_value;


Posted by: ndoeberlein Aug 10 2004, 09:09 PM
Short list of quick changes


Disable "DefaultSMTPGateways"
Disable "DisableEmitAuthUser"
Enable "DefaultSmtpPerms"


$_SESSION['xpai_user'] = "admin";
$_SESSION['xpai_pwd'] = "mypassword";

// *********************** XPAI USER CONTROL ***********************

// Usernames with Superuser/Administrator-rights
// You can specify more than one, comma separated, like
// $super_users = array("Admin", "superuser");
// All users specified here must be initially added manually to
// ctrlaccounts.tab in the format
// "<username>"<tab>"<enc. password>"<cr><lf>
// where the password was encrypted with XMCRYPT.EXE (part of the XMail package)
read.gif // The ctrl-user (above) may not be listed here! read.gif

$super_users = array("admin"); nono.gif

You cannot use admin here. create another user in ctrlaccounts.tab and the same in the domain and then put that in as the super_user (example xpai_admin)

ohmy.gif Make sure that you use xmcrypt for the password in the ctrlaccounts file.

Let us know how it works after those changes.

Posted by: Stone Aug 10 2004, 10:34 PM
thx i have change the setting.
i have create a new user in the ctrlaccounts.tab with the same password and changed the superuser in config.php but the error is still here

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/3game/mail/includes/xmail.class.php on line 83

Posted by: gEoTa Aug 11 2004, 11:04 AM
Describe the steps you took to get the error please... huh.gif

Posted by: Stone Aug 11 2004, 11:38 AM
i go on my webseite www.mydomain.at/mail then i try to login me and then i get the error

Posted by: ndoeberlein Aug 11 2004, 01:12 PM
QUOTE (Stone @ Aug 10 2004, 04:34 PM)
thx i have change the setting.
i have create a new user in the ctrlaccounts.tab with the same password and changed the superuser in config.php but the error is still here

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/3game/mail/includes/xmail.class.php on line 83

Did you also create that user in XMail under the domain you have listed as root?

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