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XMail Forum > Webmail Add-ons > Directing mail to a php script

Posted by: zarien Dec 9 2003, 07:37 AM
Hello all

I have been having this problem for a while now. I am trying to get hivemail working, the part I'm stuck on is the part where is asks me to direct all mail to a php script called 'Hivemail_process'. I will cut the part of the instructions I am talking about. I am running XMail (the latest) on windows xp professional with the latest versions of Apache and MySQL. I don't know how to do this, help would be greatly appreciated, please help soon, I'm running out of hair! sad.gif

Quote from the instructions.

And last but not least, we need to 'tell' the server to direct all
  mail to the script you just uploaded. To do so, we edit the valias
  file for your Web site. This file is usually located at
  /etc/valiases/example.com, but it might be different on your server.
  Ask your host if you are not sure there this file is. Once you know
  the file location, log in to telnet or SSH and type the following:

    pico /etc/valiases/example.com

  (replace the path with the real path). If you can't use pico, try
  using the vi text editor by typing:

    vi  /etc/valiases/example.com.

  In that file, you need to add a new line, that looks like this:

    *: |/home/example/hivemail_process.php

  Where /home/example/hivemail_process.php is the complete path to the
  hivemail_process.php file you uploaded earlier. If you are not sure
  where this file is located, type this command (outside of the file
  editor) to find where it is:

    find / -name hivemail_process.php -print 2>/dev/null

  For example, if your file is at
  /home/hivemail/etc/hivemail_process.php, this is the line you will add
  to your valias file:

    *: |/home/hivemail/etc/hivemail_process.php

  After you added the line, save the file and exit the file editor.

Posted by: atomant Dec 9 2003, 08:41 AM
Zarien, I have tried to send you a mail but looks like you server is not accessible.
Can you check it out?

For webmail I suggest you to use UebiMiau. It works nice under windows server too because it needs only plain php, no need for mysql.

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