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XMail Forum -> Custom Domain

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> Custom Domain
Posted: Feb 6 2009, 11:46 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 5
Member No.: 3146
Joined: 15-January 09


I setup and configured Xmail (Windows) to relay to our Exchange server using "custdomains" with smtprelay. It works great but is there a way to use RBL with smtprelay under custdomains? My whole goal is not to relay it to our Exchange if it's in the RBL- I just want the connection to be dropped once it hits Xmail if it's a recognized spam.

I tried using smtpfwd.tab but it won't relay to Exchange unless the IP is in the smtprelay.tab. I get the "ERelay" error in the logs.

Please help. Or any ideas or better (correct) way to do what I'm trying to accomplish? Sorry if this is a newbie question. I just started using Xmail and I like it.

Thanks in advance.

PMEmail Poster
Posted: Feb 8 2009, 12:05 AM
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Try using a smtp proxy (such as ASSP) to achieve this, IMHO it'll be allot simpler for you to setup and maintain. If you goal is just RBL filtering.

-- Chris L. Franklin --

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PMEmail PosterUsers WebsiteAOL
Posted: Feb 9 2009, 11:56 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 5
Member No.: 3146
Joined: 15-January 09

Thanks Chris! I'll check that one out.

One more thing... So I changed my "custom.net.tab" (custdomains folder) to "smtp" instead of "smtprelay"[TAB]"custom.net". I noticed some mails (very very few) are getting blocked by RBL ("SNDRIP=EIPMAP (sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org."))but not all (the obvious spam or). What does the "smtp" actually does as opposed to "smtprelay"? Does it passes through the filter list? I'm a little confused.

By the way, I have the "custom.net" under the "smtpfwd.tab" as well to forward to another smtp (Our Exchange).

Thanks again!

- Jeff
PMEmail Poster
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