Some additional info about the new filter scheme: CODE | MESSAGE FILTERS
This feature offers a way to filter messages by providing the ability to execute external programs, such as scripts or real executables. These 'filters' may examine and/or modify messages and inform XMail of their actions with a return value.
This feature offers the ability to inspect and modify messages, giving a way to reject messages based on content, alter messages (address rewriting) and so on.
If this filters returns '4, 5 or 6' the message is rejected and is stopped in its travel. If the filter modifies the message it must return '7'.
Additional flags are allowed to be returned to XMail as a result of filter processing by adding the flags value to the exits code above listed. The currently defined flags are :
'16' Stop selected filter list processing.
Filter flags are additive and if more than one flag need to be specified, their values must be added together. If a filter "raw" exit code is RC and the filter needs to return extra flags FILTER-SUM, the final return code FRC must be :
Example. Suppose a filter modified the message and hence needs to return 7 as return code. Suppose also that a filter wants to block the filter selection list processing by specifying a flags value of 16, the value to be returned will be :
FRC = 7 + 16 = 23
Filter selection is driven by two files 'FILTERS.IN.TAB' and 'FILTERS.OUT.TAB' that have the following format:
For example:
"*" "*" "" "" "" "*" "" "" "" "" "*" "*" "" "" ""
where the file "" must be present inside the $MAIL_ROOT/filters directory. The "sender" and the "recipient" are resolved to the real account when possible. Address selection mask are formed by an IP address (network) plus the number of valid bits inside the network mask. The file 'FILTERS.IN.TAB' lists filters that have to be applied to inbound messages (going to local mailboxes) while the file 'FILTERS.OUT.TAB' lists filters that have to be applied to outbound messages (delivered remotely). All four (sender+recipient+remote-addr+local-addr) selection fields must have a match in order "filename" to be evaluated. The syntax of the filter file is:
Each file may contain multiple commands, that will be executed in strictly sequential order. The first command that will trigger a rejection code will make the filtering process to end. Each argument can be a macro also:
@@FROM the sender of the message
@@RFROM the sender of the message resolved to the real account, when possible (alias resolution)
@@RCPT the target of the message
@@RRCPT the target of the message resolved to the real account, when possible (alias resolution)
@@REMOTEADDR remote IP address and port of the sender
@@LOCALADDR local IP address and port where the message has been accepted
@@FILE the message file path (the external command may modify the file if it returns '7' as command exit value.)
@@MSGID with the (XMail unique) message id
@@MSGREF the reference SMTP message id
Here 'command' is the name of an external program that processes the message and returns its processing result. If it returns '6' the message is rejected and a notification message is sent to the sender. By returning '5' the message is rejected without notification. While returning '4' the message is rejected without notification and without being frozen (a '5' response could lead to a frozen message if the "SERVER.TAB" configuration enables this). If all filters return values different from '6, 5 and 4' the message continues its trip. The filter command may also modify the file (AV scanning, content filter, message rewriting, etc) by returning '7'. The filter 'MUST' return '7' in case it modifies the message. If the filter changes the message file it 'MUST' keep the message structure and it 'MUST' terminate all line with <CR><LF>. The filter has also the ability to return a one-line custom return message by creating a file named @@FILE.rej holding the message in the very first line. This file should be created 'ONLY' when the filter returns a rejection code ('6, 5 and 4')and 'NEVER' in case of passthru code ('7') or modify code.
The spool files has this structure:
Info Data [ 1th line ] SmtpDomain [ 2nd line ] SmtpMessageID [ 3rd line ] MAIL FROM:<...> [ 4th line ] RCPT TO:<...> [ 5th line ] <<MAIL-DATA>> [ 6th line ] ...
After the '<<MAIL-DATA>>' tag (5th line) the message follows. The message is composed of a headers section and, after the first empty line, the message body. 'EXTREME' care must be used when modifying the message because the filter will be working on the real message, and a badly reformatted file will lead to message loss. The spool file header (any data before <<MAIL-DATA>>) 'MUST' be preserved as is by the filter in case of message rewrite happens.