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XMail Forum -> 417 Temporary delivery error SMTP outging

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> 417 Temporary delivery error SMTP outging, Can receive no problem, can't send mail
Posted: Jul 26 2005, 08:34 PM
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I am very new to linux, and just got Xmail because I want a server, it installed very easily, and I found some great how to's!!! The problem I'm having, is when sending.
I can receive email to my xmail box, I can check it from outlook express, and I can hit send, and no errors on outlooks side. However on the xmail terminal on the linux box I see the message.

errcode = -5
errstring = timout error
smail smtp- send mx = *target mx box, my smpty, all this is correct* Failed !
smtp-error = "417 Temporary delivery error"
SMTP-server = "*target mx server*"

Where as *target mx server* is got.net my regular email that works fine, or one of 5 other email addresses I've tried for different people with differnt servers.
Any idea what is going on? I can give more information if needed, I just don't know what else could be needed.

Also, if I send mail FROM my xmail box TO my xmail box, it work's perfectly fine.
Please help, I appreciate the anticipated advice, and I'm so glad I finally found this server, it appears to be able to handle eveything I need it to, once I get this fixed of course...
PMEmail Poster
Posted: Jul 27 2005, 07:03 AM
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Do a
telnet target_mx_server 25

from your XMail machine's console.
What do you see ?


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Posted: Jul 27 2005, 02:49 PM
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Here is the exact error message...

SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "mx2002.mx2.got.net." SMTP = "gangrelwow.com" From = "newuser@gangrelwow.com" To = "jerds@got.net"
ErrCode = -5
ErrString = Timeout error
SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "mx2002.mx2.got.net." SMTP = "gangrelwow.com" From = "newuser@gangrelwow.com" To = "jerds@got.net" Failed !
SMTP-Error = "417 Temporary delivery error"
SMTP-Server = "mx2002.mx2.got.net."

the server is "mx2002.mx2.got.net." right? There is an extra "." at the end of it? (all the SMTP servers I tried have that extra period, I guess thats normal?)

I tried to telnet to it on port 25 and it just times out. I tried the same with two other mx servers, it looks like I can't get out on port 25. Possibly I've got a firewall up? I know my router is set with this box as the DMZ so that shouldn't be it, and I've never had any issues with firewall on this box before, any idea how to check the settings? (I'm useing SBC-Yahoo DSL) any chance they have a block on the outbound?

Thanks for the help!
PMEmail Poster
Posted: Jul 27 2005, 03:00 PM
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The dot at the and has to be ignored when telnetting, but is OK in the SLOG file.

Since I can telnet to port 25 of this server, I assume that your provider blocks port 25. Pls contact your ISP for closer informations.


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Posted: Jul 27 2005, 05:54 PM
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You were right, SBC has port 25 blocked! I had to call and argue with tech support to get them to get someone that said "yeah, we can just click the mouse and remove your port blocking for you, no problem, give me 15 seconds"... This was after 45 minutes of talking to people that thought I was referenceing the left side of a boat when I was saying "port" ... Thanks for the help! It works great now!!! WONDERFUL!!!
PMEmail Poster
Posted: Jul 27 2005, 06:31 PM
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No - I'm not an answering script ...
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